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Blog 2016-12-29T01:04:03+00:00

Uprising – Writers Resist

So glad to see my poem "Uprising" published by Writers Resist!  It was inspired by the women's marches, the Golem, and centuries of resistance to authoritarianism. May the resistance continue! oh - and - subscribe to while you're at it.  Good stuff in your Inbox every week or two. Check out too -- the two sites are [...]

Interview with Clare MacQueen, Founder of KYSO Flash

I enjoyed the picture of a life in writing and publishing that I get from this interview with Clare MacQueen on the excellent Writers N Readers II blog, founder, editor and publisher of KYSO Flash, who also works on Serving House Journal and a number of other publications. Clare was the second person to publish my fiction, and has published three [...]

KYSO Flash Anthology 2016: State of the Art

I'm so excited about the latest anthology from KYSO Flash (that's Knock Your Socks Off Flash) publishing my story, "Marcus," in the excellent company of 143 other stories, poems and trans-genre pieces.  "Marcus" is a story that came out of a writing prompt, "crass," so be warned.... I enjoyed creating a narrator quite different from myself and finding some humor and poignancy [...]